Giveaway! First three ebooks in series (Adult book Series) AND Soundtrack!
My Review of First book Rogue Hunter: Inquest
My Review of Second book Rogue Hunger: Dark Space
About the Books (From Author's Goodreads Blog)

About the Author:
Kevis Hendrickson is an aspiring filmmaker and the author of six Science Fiction and Fantasy novels, including The Legend of Witch Bane and the Rogue Hunter series. His second novel Rogue Hunter: Quest of the Hunter won the Red Adept Annual Indie Award (2010) for 'Top Science Fiction'. His most recent novel is Rogue Hunter: Life Force. The fourth book in the series, Rogue Hunter: Longshot, is scheduled for release in Summer 2014.
He has also published one novella, one epic poem, one non-fiction book, and eight short stories. Hendrickson lives in sunny Miami, Florida U.S.A. where he spends his days dreaming of new worlds and epic adventures.
Giveaway Details
All you need to do is comment below, and let me know how to reach you if you win
Twitter name, email addy, facebook link. Any form of contact will do!
The giveaway prize will be emailed directly from the author to the winner. A winner will be chosen March 20 2014.
Interview with Zyra Zanr of the Rogue Hunter series.
Hello, everyone. My name is Shelly Hart, senior reporter for IGAN News. I want
to thank you for joining us and our very special guest. Today we have with us,
Zyra Zanr, intergalactic bounty hunter. Welcome Ms. Zanr. You’re a very
difficult woman to catch up with. I suppose the nature of your line of work
keeps you on the go.
Zyra: You
can say that.
Perhaps we should start with something easy. Can you tell us your age?
Zyra: Why is
it important?
I’m the one asking the questions, Ms. Zanr. Now how old are you?
Somewhere between 1 and 100, I guess.
That isn’t very nice, Ms. Zanr.
Neither is asking a woman her age.
Touché. But you’ll understand that everyone is talking about you since the Battle of New Venus. Some
people are saying that you had a direct hand in starting the war between the
InterGalactic Alliance
and the Legion of Worlds.
Zyra: What
do you think?
I think its nonsense. You’re just one woman. But as sensational as the rumors
are, many people believe it.
Zyra: Then
it wouldn’t make a real difference what I say, now would it?
You might have a point. May I ask you another personal question?
Zyra: If I
said no, would that stop you from asking?
Not really. But I thought you might appreciate a bit of common courtesy.
Something which you don’t seem concerned with showing to my viewers. So far you
haven’t answered any of my questions, so let’s try this again. You’re a very
mysterious woman. Very little is known about you other than the fact that you
were once a prospect for the military. Why all the secrecy?
Zyra: Maybe
there isn’t much to tell.
Or could it be that you’re hiding something you don’t want others to know
about? Something that might embarrass or even endanger you?
Zyra: Take
your pick.
I’ll accept that as a yes. You’re quite young to be in the trade of hunting
criminals. Usually it’s a job for older, more seasoned people who have made a
career in law enforcement. Can you tell us what made you decide to become a
bounty hunter?
Zyra: I
heard the job paid well and I needed money.
That’s it? Nothing mysterious? Or romantic?
Zyra: I know
what it’s like to be hungry. I don’t ever want to feel like that again. How’s
that for romantic?
So you never felt a calling to a higher purpose? To help out your fellow man
and make the universe a safer place?
Zyra: No.
Well, I think that certainly destroys the mystique of you being on the side of
good, doesn’t it?
Zyra: I
don’t see how that’s a problem.
Well, you do have your young fans to consider, don’t you? You know, the ones
who look up to you?
Zyra: If
someone is looking to me to be a role model, they need to have higher
For once, I agree with you, Ms. Zanr. Perhaps, we should move on to more
interesting questions. Do you have a family?
Zyra: No.
No mother or father? Siblings?
Zyra: I said
What about a lover? Don’t you have someone waiting to tuck you in after a long
day’s work?
Zyra: There
isn’t time for romance when you’re up to your neck in scum.
It sounds as if you lead a very lonely life.
Zyra: It is
what is.
You’re also a woman of few words, I see.
Zyra: I
don’t have much use for them.
Action speaks louder than words, is that it?
Zyra: In my
line of work, words don’t get results.
I see. Tell me, Ms. Zanr. Are you a happy person?
Zyra: Define
Let me put it another way. Do you ever wake up thinking how fabulous it is to
be you?
Zyra: Every
day of my life.
You don’t sound serious.
Zyra: And
you’re smarter than you look.
Hitting below the belt, aren’t we?
Zyra: Call
it a lucky shot.
Do you believe in God, Ms. Zanr?
Zyra: I’m
not sure how to answer that.
A yes or no answer will suffice.
Zyra: Then
the answer is No.
Why not?
Because I don’t. Do you have another question?
Actually, I have one final question for you, Ms. Zanr. You shouldn’t have any
problem answering it. What is your biggest fear?
Zyra: Is
this a trick question?
No tricks. I’m just curious.
Failure. That’s my biggest fear.
Can you explain?
Zyra: I may
not believe in God, Ms. Hart. But I do think we all have a purpose. I never
want to fail at anything I do, because then I’m not being who I’m supposed to
be. Get it?
And who are you supposed to be, Ms. Zanr?
remains silent and the interview ends…)
To find out more about Zyra
Zanr (and if she ever answers the question), read the Rogue Hunter series by
Kevis Hendrickson!
My review of book 3. Rogue Hunter Life Force

While resting at Space Station Phoenix, Zyra Zanr comes down with a mysterious sickness. She meets Ryan Grant, the station doctor. Fearing that she is dying of a terminal disease, Zyra turns to Ryan for support. But things spiral out of control and their budding friendship explodes into a full-blown romance.
Their tryst inflames the wrath of Ryan's jealous wife, ultimately leading to betrayal and murder. Even as her health worsens, Zyra's uncontrollable desire for Ryan takes her down a dark path of unbridled sensuality that threatens the destruction of her very soul.
LIFE FORCE is the most powerful Rogue Hunter novel yet. Kevis Hendrickson has taken the series to a whole new level
Paperback, 510 pages
February 20th 2014
The third book in the Rogue Hunter series really throws us for some loops. I was caught a little off guard with how much of the story was focused on her sex life. I would go so far as to saying it's a little risque crossing into the erotica zone in several scenes. A little more descriptive scenes than I would normally read.
This series amazing, the world building and characters are so well done that I just cannot get enough of this series. Zyra has a lot of ups and downs in this story. She gets sick and falls in love. Along with this whirlwind romance comes a lot of vulnerability from Zyra. I even felt that we lose a bit of the Zyra we have grown to know and see her having to crawl her way out of an emotional hole that has taken a toll on her.
Zyra still shows her bad ass side with not only being sick, in a roller coaster relationship, but also being hunted by hired killers. Several plot twists and harsh situations that come along with both. She still manages to find her way through things with a lot of action, and heartbreak.
The writing is spot on when it comes to getting the readers emotionally invested in the story. There were times I was so upset that I had to stop reading for awhile and I really felt for the relationships, both good and bad that occur in this book.
I recommend this series 100% as a very well written, plotted, and high paced space opera. It's a series that I have added to my automatic to-buy list because I know each new edition will be an amazing, entertaining and enjoyable read.
Remember! If you are interested in the series to comment below for a chance to win all 3 ebooks! And SOUNDTRACK If you love strong female bad ass lead characters this is a series I wouldn't let pass you by. (GIVEAWAY CLOSED, WINNER CHOSEN)
The third book in the Rogue Hunter series really throws us for some loops. I was caught a little off guard with how much of the story was focused on her sex life. I would go so far as to saying it's a little risque crossing into the erotica zone in several scenes. A little more descriptive scenes than I would normally read.
This series amazing, the world building and characters are so well done that I just cannot get enough of this series. Zyra has a lot of ups and downs in this story. She gets sick and falls in love. Along with this whirlwind romance comes a lot of vulnerability from Zyra. I even felt that we lose a bit of the Zyra we have grown to know and see her having to crawl her way out of an emotional hole that has taken a toll on her.
Zyra still shows her bad ass side with not only being sick, in a roller coaster relationship, but also being hunted by hired killers. Several plot twists and harsh situations that come along with both. She still manages to find her way through things with a lot of action, and heartbreak.
The writing is spot on when it comes to getting the readers emotionally invested in the story. There were times I was so upset that I had to stop reading for awhile and I really felt for the relationships, both good and bad that occur in this book.
I recommend this series 100% as a very well written, plotted, and high paced space opera. It's a series that I have added to my automatic to-buy list because I know each new edition will be an amazing, entertaining and enjoyable read.
Remember! If you are interested in the series to comment below for a chance to win all 3 ebooks! And SOUNDTRACK If you love strong female bad ass lead characters this is a series I wouldn't let pass you by. (GIVEAWAY CLOSED, WINNER CHOSEN)
Great post! Count me in for entering *crosses fingers*
Sounds like awesome reads. Really hope i win. Looking forward to reading this !!
Such pretty covers :)
Looking forward to reading some good, erotic SF. A strong female protagonist is always welcome. Cal
I would love to be entered for this AMAZING giveaway! {My email address is ~ lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk }. Definately a series that i am excited about & looking forward to reading.
ReplyDeleteWow! Great Giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. Count me in! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway. The series sounds amazing.
Would love to enter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great gifts. Thank you for running this giveaway. Grace
ReplyDeleteOhhhh.... Emm...... Gee....... Awesome!!! Count me in!!!